Nisa Asokan co-runs Fifth Planet Press / Tight Bros Network,
an independent multimedia publishing and promotions company. She studied narrative fiction writing at New York University under
Nicholas Christopher where she earned a writing degree. She wrote two books before deciding it is much more fun to put out other artists' work, and has produced a catalog of over fifteen titles for Fifth Planet Press.
She was a superstar news research librarian in the brain department at the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution with a solid tour of duty in the media trenches. She led the all volunteer
nonprofit, Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery as Board Chair and music director during its formative years. These days she's haunting the hills of Austin, TX and monitoring the halls of Tight Bros Network while stirring the pot for Studio Pub, a venue in development.
Taking pictures.
Field recording.
Writing Secret Demons an interactive web chapter novel.
Making videos.
Bathroom Secrets: for Modern Rituals show at Wardenclyffe Gallery, Austin, Tx. May/June 2012
VISPO: a visual poetry show at Eyedrum; experiments in the space between viewing
and reading. May 1, 2010.
Collection Plate at Picaflor Gallery; showing microphotos as part of a collection of affordable art, May 14, 2010.
Supposedly Obsolete MIXTape at Mint Gallery, Atlanta: an old media/new media experiment,
Nisa Asokan, August 22, 2009.
Sound Sketches for Disappeared Places, group sound installation,
Aug/Sept 2009
"Information: Moving Forward with New Media Through Experiments in Digital and Video Art". Worley, Benjamin, author and Nisa Asokan, editor. .Approved for MFA thesis at Georgia State University, April 7, 2009
putAtoring: a book arts experiment, Nisa Asokan and Allison Rentz, August 2008 - present.
Kirkwood Baller's Club, an Atlanta music incubator, 2004 - present
"A Scene from Macondo" by Nisa Asokan for a group show Multiple Media Dimensions of Delirium, Eyedrum Art and Music Gallery, Atlanta, August 2001.
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